
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Journey Begins

Welcome to my blog space.   This is the very first blog that I publish, so you are witness to the very first tentative steps of my blogging journey!! I have had many false starts to my blogging life, and I intend to make the most of this refreshed start.  As fate, or should I say my luck,  would have it, the current COVID-19 pandemic got me thinking about a whole lot of things especially those that matter most to me. I suspect that this may well be the case for many others. My blog posts will primarily cover my reflections on a variety of topics.  The title of my blog space is "Levelling The Playing Fields". What informed this title is my inherent belief that we are all endowed with a combination of gifts and abilities that are unique to us and we are able to play those out whenever we create our own opportunities to do so or take advantage of those opportunities availed to us. While we may not always come top in our endeavours there, is a level of inner satisfaction t